Using SIGNAL to measure internal change

At Changing Futures Northumbria, we have been using SIGNAL as a way of helping the people we work with see which areas of their lives they need support in. SIGNAL is a self evaluation tool which consists of 54 indicators based on a person’s individual circumstances and provide a ‘Spotlight’ of where they are at that precise time by showing which areas they are doing OK with (Green) and which they need help with (Amber and Red). Our case workers and peer support specialists complete SIGNAL with the person at a time that feels right when a trusting relationship has been established.

The people we work with at CFN are some of the most complex individuals experiencing a multitude of severe and overlapping disadvantages. It was hardly surprising that most people’s SIGNAL ‘Life Map’ contained a lot of Red and Amber areas where people identified they needed help in order to improve their situations.

Ian's Story

Ian (not his real name) completed his first SIGNAL in October 22. His Life Map showed 10 red areas, 19 amber areas and 23 green areas. Priorities identified were Stable Housing, Group Activities and Self Expression. At the time, Ian was living in supported accommodation in which he felt unhappy and trapped. He felt frustrated and helpless and stuck in circumstances he couldn’t change. Not long before working with CFN, Ian had been regularly sleeping on a park bench so safe, stable housing was an understandable priority.

Ian’s second SIGNAL , completed in March 2023 highlighted 10 red areas again but his amber areas had gone down to 10 and his green areas had increased to 32.

When Ian completed the second SIGNAL, he was still in the same accommodation but this time he marked the housing questions as green as he felt he was being well supported where he was and felt safe. This change of mindset towards his accommodation situation has meant he has been able to focus on other areas of his life.

With the help of his CFN workers, Ian has been able to improve in areas of his life where he felt he was struggling. Some of the most interesting areas in which he has gone from red or amber to green are:

  • I get involved in activities
  • I am actively involved in groups
  • I have goals and aspirations
  • I know how to plan for the future
  • My monthly income doesn’t change
  • I have savings

These are areas which have seen a dramatic improvement in Ian’s outlook on life but, perhaps more importantly, are areas which support services would not traditionally measure change. Although much of Ian’s situation is still the same as when he first completed SIGNAL, this demonstrates how much has changed within himself. CFN staff could already see the mindset change in Ian but he couldn’t see it in himself until he saw his Life Map.

We are starting to understand how internal change can be seen as a measure of success within this type of work. Measuring internal change and mindset change in people experiencing multiple disadvantage can be a complex task since these aspects are subjective and deeply personal. SIGNAL can indicate how these changes happen within an individual and can help staff and, perhaps more importantly, the people being supported at CFN, to see the impact of working on ‘what matters to me’ using the Liberated Method.

For more information about SIGNAL, please visit their website: Signal | Poverty Stoplight (

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